Do You Know? The Benefits of Sunlight for The Body

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Sunbathing in the morning, it turns out that there are many benefits. What are the benefits?

Helps to Get Enough Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a vitamin that is important for the body. Vitamin D deficiency can cause rickets. This vitamin is also useful for bone health. Sunbathing time is recommended around 7 to 10 am

Helps Repair Skin Damage

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sunlight can help cure skin damage, because sunlight contains UV rays. Vitamin D from sunlight also can help heal some skin diseases, such as eczema and acne.

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Increase The Production of The Hormone Serotonin

Sunbathing in the morning affects the production of the hormone serotonin, namely chemical messenger compounds in the brain (neurotransmitters) that are used to regulate mood and emotions. Serotonin also can improve brain development. That’s why people who like to do activities in the morning tend to be happier and less anxious.

Improve Sleep Quality

Sunlight in the afternoon and darkness at night, can help repair and maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythm is a natural process that regulates sleep and wake cycles that are repeated every day.

Circadian rhythm can affect sleep cycles, body temperature, digestion, eating habit, and other urgent body functions. By sunbathing, we will stay awake during the day and feel tired before bed.

Boost Immune System

Sunbathing can also boost the immune system. Vitamin D content from sunlight can prevent infection in the body.

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