English Story: The Bolang Climbs

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One morning, Bolang’s mother stretched and jumped to sit at the window near the sunshine.

“Today starts spring,” he said to Bolang the kitten, “I’ll take you to the park and teach you to climb.”

Arriving at the park, Bolang’s mother said, “Now my son, look at you seriously, OK?”

Bolang’s mother then climbed onto the garden fence with her sharp claws. Bolang paid close attention. Then, his mother jumped to the top branch of the tree. She then jumped onto the trellis where the vines were growing next to the house.

“Now, I will teach you,” said Bolang’s mother.

She shows Bolang how to sharpen nails and how to hang and climb. Bolang tries to climb to the apple tree and finally he is quite successful.

“Very nice!” said his mother.

Just then came Tabi, a female cat who lived in the house next door. She waved for Bolang’s mother.

“Bolang, play with your friends. I will talk to Mrs. Tabi first, who lives next door, ”said Bolang’s mother. She then left.

Bolang joins other kittens. He has three friends, namely White, Mia, and Belo. They play hide and seek until they get bored.

Mia then had an idea, “Let’s practice climbing, let’s go!”

Bolang agrees. White and Belo also agreed. They then race to climb a tree. Bolang and Mia climb a tree. Belo and Putih also climbed fast and reached the top of the tree. However, Bolang and Mia still kept trying because their trees were taller.

“Bolang, let’s stop now!” We just go down, “said Mia.

However, Bolang did not want to and continued to climb.

Mia sits on a branch and waits for Bolang to come down.

“Belaaang !!” shouted Mia. “Hurry down!”

However, Bolang continued to climb.

“You can fall!” shouted White and Belo from the next tree.

Bolang finally arrived at a branch as high as the roof of the house. He could see the birds in their nests and Ms. Nana who was drying clothes.

Bolang continues to climb. Finally, “I reached the top of the tree!” exclaimed Bolang.

He waved his paws. Belo, Mia and White are very worried seeing him.

“You can fall!” they shouted, closing their eyes with their palms. At that time, Bolang’s mother returned. She was very surprised to see Bolang on the highest branch.

“Bolang you can climb, but can you go down?” asked his mother.

“Meooong …” Bolang only meowed proudly. “I’m safe!” he said.

“But, I don’t want to go down yet,” said Bolang again,

Baca Juga: The Stories of Four Seasons

Actually, Bolang was trapped in a tree. He can’t come down. Bolang’s mother is confused about what to do. Fortunately, Mrs. Nana came out of the house. She looked up at the cloudy sky and worried that it would rain. She just dried clothes.

At that time, Bu Nana saw Bolang at the top of a tree.

“Geez…! The kitten is trapped in the tree! ” he exclaimed.

Mrs. Nana took the stairs. But the stairs were too short. Mrs. Nana then called the fire department.

Not long after, a car stopped. The car is red and huge in front of Mrs. Nana’s house.

“We will immediately bring down the kittens, Mother!” said the firefighter to Mrs. Nana. He then went up the stairs.

Shortly thereafter, the firefighter’s hand grabbed the bolang on the high branch. He hugged Bolang and put it in his pocket. He then went down again with the stairs.

Poor Bolang. He was very cold. She had to be taken to the kitchen and given warm milk. The firefighters also got a cup of tea and cake from Mrs. Nana.

“Bolang,” said his mother after that. “Next time you have to be careful. Firefighters are tasked with putting out flames on fires. Not catching a kitten that is trapped unable to come down from a tree! ”

Unfortunately, Bolang was very tired. He did not hear his mother’s words and fell fast asleep.

Kosa kata baru dari cerita diatas:
claw = cakar
trelli = teralis (pengaman jendela dari besi)
vines = tanaman rambat
Geez = ya ampun!, astaga!
firefighter = pemadam kebakaran

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